KeyBuild 1.034 

Release Notes (right-click in this window to print)




Bay Window Macros

Three Sided Bay Window Macro 

First create intersecting and bay window walls in your layout.  Next, select the Three sided Bay Window Macro from Macro Menu--> Roof Planes--> Three Sided Bay Window 

Basic steps to follow after starting the macro are as follows:

Select Walls and Back Plane

    1. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Right intersecting wall
    2. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Right bay angle wall
    3. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, Face bay wall
    4. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Left bay angle wall
    5. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Left intersecting wall
    6. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Back plane (The selected plane must have a baseline that is parallel to the front wall of the bay)

Plane and Overhang Properties

Overhang Length - This is the overhang length around the bay. This value is needed to calculate the angle plane of the bay and to draw in the overhangs.

Symmetric Planes - Check symmetric planes, if the Side and Face Plane Properties are the same values. Please note that it is the your responsibility to match the back plane heel height or calculate the correct heel height to match the back plane pitch if it is different than the bay window pitches.

Side Plane Properties - The fields in these group boxes function just as the do in the standard plane properties dialogs.

Face Plane Properties - The fields in these group boxes function just as the do in the standard plane properties dialogs.

Set as Default ButtonClicking this button will set the current information in the dialog as the default information when this macro is run in the future.

Cancel ButtonClicking the Cancel button will return you to the main screen withoiut modifying the existing model.

OK ButtonClicking the OK button will accept the values in the dialog.

Example of Symmetric Planes

You are not required to make any additional changes to the model.  The planes can be re-extended if desired.

Now you can add the roof areas and trusses.

Example (planes do not match)

If the peak of the bay window does not intersect the Back plane, you will be required to re-extend some planes; see below


Now you can add the roof areas and trusses.

Example (Bay wall height is greater than main house walls)

The Macro will open to the properties of the bay window

The macro will then detect that the plate heights are different and prompt the user a response

If you answer OK or esc, the planes will be extended to the back plane.

If the user wishes to have the fascia match, the user will be required to calculate the plate difference and the additional extension of the overhang.  In this case, the height was 1’ and the pitch was 6/12, therefore the 1’ / .5= 2’ => 1’ overhang + 2’ = 3’


The fascia will match and you can add the roof areas and trusses.


Example (Bay wall height is less than main house walls)

The front and angle planes will come in correctly. 

If the peak of the planes is below the backing plane, you will have to re-extend the plane to the wall.

If the peak of the planes is above the backing plane, i.e., bay pitches are greater than backing planes,you will have to re-extend the plane to the wall and backing plane.


The program is robust enough to give the you the critical plane and peak point.  This will make it very easy for the you to complete very complicated bay windows.  All of the previous methods entry are still available. 



Five Sided Bay Window Macro 

First create intersecting and bay window walls in your layout.  Next, select the Five sided Bay Window Macro from Macro Menu--> Roof Planes--> Five Sided Bay Window 

Basic steps to follow after starting the macro are as follows:

Select Walls and Back Plane

  1. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Right intersecting wall
  2. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Right side wall
  3. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Right bay angle wall
  4. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, Face bay wall
  5. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Left bay angle wall
  6. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Left side wall
  7. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Left intersecting wall
  8. You are prompted to select, with your mouse button, the Back plane 

Plane and Overhang Properties

Overhang Length - This is the overhang length around the bay. This value is needed to calculate the angle plane of the bay and to draw in the overhangs.

Symmetric Planes - Check symmetric planes, if the Side and Face Plane Properties are the same values. Please note that it is the your responsibility to match the back plane heel height or calculate the correct heel height to match the back plane pitch if it is different than the bay window pitches.

Side Plane Properties - The fields in these group boxes function just as the do in the standard plane properties dialogs.

Face Plane Properties - The fields in these group boxes function just as the do in the standard plane properties dialogs.

Set as Default ButtonClicking this button will set the current information in the dialog as the default information when this macro is run in the future.

Cancel ButtonClicking the Cancel button will return you to the main screen withoiut modifying the existing model.

OK ButtonClicking the OK button will accept the values in the dialog.

Changes to Edit Trusses

  1. Changes to Consolidation Settings
  • The re-consolidation preset has been removed from the Gen Info--> Framing Members page.
  • Changes have been made to the default re-consolidation behavior when starting Edit Trusses. Now when starting Edit Trusses the trusses are NOT re-consolidated and you are no longer prompted with the message, "Re-consolidate Trusses, Yes or No".  By default existing truss consolidation groups are maintained.  New trusses input since previous Edit Trusses run are consolidated into existing groups if possible, or create their new consolidation groups.  
  • If you need to re-consolidate trusses, select from the new Design Menu--> Reconsolidate All Trusses command or from the Design Toolbar hold down the Shift key and select the 'Edit Trusses' button. 
Hold down the Shift key +
  1. Set Truss Load Tolerance
  • You are no longer prompted with the Truss Load Tolerance dialog when starting Edit Trusses.
  • The Truss Load Tolerance is now a preset located in General Information--> Load Info tab--> Load Tolerance for Truss Consolidation.  You can also over-ride this preset and specify load tolerance for truss consolidation if you Hold down the Shift key +  from the Design Toolbar or select from the new Design Menu--> Reconsolidate All Trusses command

  1. Selecting Truss Types
  • When you are in Edit Trusses, all trusses (standard trusses, gables, truss girders, valley trusses), roof and floor, are now selectable.
  1. Truss Labeling clean-up

Toggle Top Plate Elevation

Additional functionality has been added to the Toggle Top Plate Elevation,, TPE will change the top plate elevation, as before, but now will shift the associated plane, and overhang. This functionality was designed to be used prior to adding any roof members. If the roof members are in place prior to using the top plate elevation toggle, it will be your responsibility to either delete the associated roof framing or adjust the associated framing to the appropriate elevation. Please note the single framed member will require that you shift the members by hand and the hip ends should be deleted and re-input at the appropriate elevation.

New Check Model Command has been added to the Design Toolbar

The Merge’s Check Model command has been added to the top of the shortened Design Toolbar.  When selected the Check Model command verifies the integrity of the job as it is being built.  All error messages that come up when the Check Model command is run are displayed in the field under the Check Model command.  

Design Dialog

Joist and Truss Reference Line 

An enhancement has been added in KeyBuild to the framing area dialog that gives the user the ability to set  the reference line(s) on multiple trusses or joists.
Framing Area Reference Line

Z snap Cursor 

When the user selects Z-snap mode the cursor changes to a +Z.

Master Hip Girder Option

The program now gives users the option to draw a Hip End without drawing the Master Hip Girder.  When this option is chosen, neither the automatic Master Hip Girder nor any additional framing members beyond the back of the Master Hip Girder will be drawn.  The program will only draw the hip girders and jack trusses.  This would be used when the user needs to have complete control on the placement of the Master Hip Girder.

master hip girder

Right mouse click functionality in Framing Rules

An enhancement has been added to the New Framing Rules -->Stick Properties page that allows users to copy  framing stick properties to new segments by right-clicking near the material drop-down arrow.

Level added to Edit Trusses Dialog

A new level column has been added to the Edit Trusses dialog. In this new column for each consolidation group the level number is displayed where the trusses in the consolidation group reside. If there are trusses in a single consolidation group from multiple levels all  level numbers are displayed. If the user does not want to see this column, the column is controlled by change EDITTRUSS_LEVEL= 1 for ON or = 0 for OFF in GEN_INFO.TXT.

edit truss level

New Preset for Wall Re-frame Warnings

A new preset has been added to the Panel-->Gen Info-->Basic tab-->Reframe Warnings.  The user now has the ability to disable the Re-frame warning.  To turn off this warning, open Panel-->Gen Info-->Basic tab--> and uncheck the box labeled "Reframe Warnings".

reframe warning

KeyBuild Bug Fixes


Home Key bug

The Home key will now return the model from the animate view back to plan view when the model is in either the Edit Truss Profile and Edit Trusses mode.

Auto-Dimensions not dimensioning Hip-End Members

In previous versions of KeyBuild, hip end member dimensions were not getting dimensioned in the auto-dimensioning mode.

Solid Model Truss Plates and Webs bug

In previous versions of KeyBuild where the trusses were designed, the truss plates, chords and webs were not being displayed in solid model view.  This bug has been fixed.

Single Input Hanger Selector bug

In previous versions of KeyBuild, trusses drawn using the single truss input method did not provide hanger solutions.  This bug has been fixed.

Hip-End Macro Undo bug

You can now select a plane from within the hip-end macro and right-click or select the backspace button to "undo" their previous selection. 

Cantilevered Hip-End Truss at Peak bug

In previous versions of KeyBuild, a cantilevered hip-end would not generate the truss at peak.  This bug has been fixed.

Gable, Truss and Truss Girder Overhangs Plotting bug

Gable, Truss and Truss Girder Overhangs are now showing up on all KeyBuild plot output; Standard Plot, Framers Plot, Calc Plot, and Truss Plot.  

Corner Girder Type set to Rafter + Sub-Girder bug

In previous versions of KeyBuild,a crash would occur in Edit Trusses when the  Hip End Corner Girder Type was set to Rafter + Sub-Girder. This bug has been fixed.

TTTC Table not Recognizing Capped Trusses

In the previous version of the software, The TTTC table was not recognizing trusses that were capped. The program is now transferring the information correctly.

Split Line Beveled Members bug

In previous versions of KeyBuild, if the users select the split line command on beveled members, the bevels from the original line were copied to the new line(s).  Now the ends at the split are both square cuts.

The following additional improvements to the Split Line Dialog were made:

  • The dialog will always open with # of equal part on and 2 as the split valuesplit line
  • The tab key will now toggle through; 1st tab moves to “Ok”, if the you press the enter button on your keyboard the line will be split;
split line
  • 2nd tab moves to “Cancel”, if the you press the enter button on your keyboard the command will be canceled. 
# split line
  • 3rd tab highlights “# of equal part” will allow you to toggle to the other split options using the up and down arrows on the keyboard.  If you continue to press the tab button on your keyboard it will move you through the remaining options in the dialog.
split line

KeyBuild Saw and Roll Former Output


Hundegger and Versa-saw Stock Material Lengths 

Additional stock material dimensions have been added to the Hundegger and Versa-Saw 'stock inventory control dialog'.  Users can now select from the following additional dimensions;  50', 52', 54', 56', 58', 60', 62', 64', 66' .

Unique Girder Label Preset

A unique girder label preset has been added to KeyBuild | General Information | Job Settings Tab.  When this preset is checked the program will assign unique girder labels to all girders regardless of the length, girder properties or joist hole conditions.  To generate the labels you must select the Entities Menu | Annotations |  Model Entities Labels | select Hundegger Plot View or Versa-Saw Plot View | select Generate Labels.  

Hundegger and Versa-saw Directional Orientation Changes 

Directional orientation changes have been made to the Hundegger (bvx) and Versa-saw (vrx) output.  The (+) and (-) directional orientation symbols have been replaced with the impinging member's stick label on each end.

Keymark Enterprises, LLC


Copyright© 2009 Keymark Enterprises, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Keymark®, KeyBuild®, Model™, Structure™, KeyBeam®, KeyComm®, KeyLat®, KeyMan®, KeyOpt®, KeyPanel®, KeyPlan®, KeyPlot®, KeyTruss®, KeyUp™, KeyWind™, and KeyBuildCAD™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Keymark Enterprises, LLC